Sabtu, 15 April 2017

Keamanan jaringan-kerentanan nyata

Keamanan jaringan-kerentanan nyata - Skenario: Anda bekerja di lingkungan perusahaan di mana Anda berada, setidaknya sebagian, bertanggung jawab untuk keamanan jaringan. Anda telah menerapkan firewall, virus dan spyware perlindungan, dan komputer Anda adalah semua up to date dengan patch dan perbaikan keamanan. Anda duduk di sana dan berpikir tentang pekerjaan indah telah Anda lakukan untuk memastikan bahwa Anda tidak dapat hacked.
Keamanan jaringan-kerentanan nyata
Keamanan jaringan-kerentanan nyata

Anda telah melakukan, kebanyakan orang berpikir, apakah langkah-langkah utama menuju jaringan aman. Hal ini sebagian benar. Apa tentang faktor-faktor lain?

Pernahkah Anda berpikir tentang serangan rekayasa sosial? Apa tentang pengguna yang menggunakan jaringan Anda setiap hari? Apakah Anda siap dalam menghadapi serangan oleh orang-orang ini?

Percaya atau tidak, link yang paling lemah dalam rencana keamanan Anda adalah orang yang menggunakan jaringan Anda. Untuk sebagian besar, pengguna tidak berpendidikan pada prosedur untuk mengidentifikasi dan menetralisir serangan rekayasa sosial. Apa yang akan menghentikan pengguna dari menemukan CD atau DVD di ruang makan siang dan membawanya ke workstation mereka dan membuka file? Disk ini bisa berisi sebuah spreadsheet atau pengolah kata dokumen yang telah makro jahat tertanam di dalamnya. Hal berikutnya yang Anda tahu, jaringan Anda terganggu.

Masalah ini ada terutama di lingkungan dimana bantuan meja staf reset password melalui telepon. Tidak ada yang menghentikan seseorang berniat melanggar ke dalam jaringan Anda dari panggilan help desk, berpura-pura menjadi seorang karyawan, dan meminta untuk memiliki password reset. Kebanyakan organisasi menggunakan sistem untuk menghasilkan nama pengguna, sehingga tidak sangat sulit untuk memikirkan mereka keluar.

Organisasi Anda harus memiliki kebijakan ketat untuk memverifikasi identitas pengguna sebelum password reset dapat dilakukan. Satu hal yang sederhana untuk dilakukan adalah untuk memiliki pengguna yang pergi ke help desk secara pribadi. Aplikasi Kamera Tembus Pandang Metode lain, yang bekerja dengan baik jika kantor Anda berada jauh geografis, adalah untuk menetapkan satu kontak di kantor yang dapat telepon untuk password reset. Dengan cara ini setiap orang yang bekerja pada help desk dapat mengenali suara orang ini dan tahu bahwa ia adalah yang mereka katakan mereka adalah.

Mengapa seorang penyerang pergi ke kantor Anda atau membuat panggilan telepon ke help desk? Sederhana, ianya biasanya jalan setidaknya perlawanan. Ada tidak perlu untuk menghabiskan berjam-jam mencoba untuk masuk ke sistem elektronik ketika sistem fisik lebih mudah untuk mengeksploitasi. Waktu berikutnya Anda melihat seseorang berjalan melalui pintu di belakang Anda, dan tidak mengenali mereka, berhenti dan bertanya siapa mereka dan apa yang mereka di sana untuk. Jika Anda melakukan ini, dan ini terjadi untuk menjadi seseorang yang tidak seharusnya berada di sana, sebagian besar waktu ia akan keluar secepat mungkin. Jika orang seharusnya tidak kemudian ia kemungkinan akan mampu menghasilkan nama orang yang dia ada di sana untuk melihat.

Saya tahu Anda katakan bahwa saya gila, kanan? Yah memikirkan Kevin Mitnick. Dia adalah salah satu paling dihiasi hacker sepanjang masa. Pemerintah AS mengira ia bisa peluit nada ke telepon dan meluncurkan serangan nuklir. Sebagian besar nya hacking dilakukan melalui rekayasa sosial. Apakah ia melakukannya melalui fisik kunjungan ke kantor atau dengan membuat panggilan telepon, dia mencapai beberapa hacks terbesar sampai saat ini. Jika Anda ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang dia Google namanya atau membaca dua buku ia menulis.

Itu adalah di luar saya mengapa orang-orang mencoba dan mengabaikan jenis serangan. Saya rasa beberapa insinyur jaringan terlalu bangga jaringan mereka untuk mengakui bahwa mereka bisa dilanggar begitu mudah. Atau apakah itu kenyataan bahwa orang tidak merasa mereka harus bertanggung jawab untuk mendidik karyawan mereka? Kebanyakan organisasi tidak memberikan mereka departemen TI yurisdiksi untuk mempromosikan keamanan fisik. Hal ini biasanya masalah bagi manajer gedung atau fasilitas manajemen. Tidak ada yang kurang, jika Anda dapat mendidik karyawan Anda sedikit; Anda mungkin dapat mencegah pelanggaran jaringan dari fisik atau serangan rekayasa sosial.

Kamis, 02 Februari 2017

5 Steps To Cheap Car Insurance Premiums

Auto protection is mandatory, yet it's not important to pay more than you need to. A couple of basic strides consolidated with some time surfing for focused auto protection rates truly can spare you genuine cash at recharging time. 
5 Steps To Cheap Car Insurance Premiums

Step 1 - Cut the Risk and Cut the Cost 

The simplest approach to cut your auto protection premiums is to cut the hazard and acknowledge a higher deliberate abundance. A guarantor's standard abundance might be £100 yet in the event that you meet the main £250 of any claim, you'll see a lessening in your premium. This is on the grounds that you're going out on a limb on a greater amount of the hazard so you get a markdown. In any case, it's a bet, know that you may need to meet the cost of a broken window after an endeavored robbery or a bill for repairing bodywork harm after an auto stop crunch. 

Step 2 - Security Means Savings 

Nissan X-Trail, Mobil SUV Paling Tangguh dan Nyaman Fitting security gadgets can likewise bring about modest auto protection premiums. Every single significant guarantor demand Thatcham evaluated security hardware, for the most part at least an alert. In the event that you live in a high-chance territory for auto wrongdoing, it bodes well to fit additional security. It spares you cash when your protection restoration is expected and gives you additional true serenity. 

Step 3 - Annual Mileage, Less Means More in Your Pocket 

In the event that your yearly mileage is, 5,000 miles or less, approach safety net providers in the event that they offer rebates for concurred mileage confinements. 

Step 4 - Named Drivers Trick 

Adding a named driver to your approach can increment or decrease your premiums relying on the named drivers age, sex and driving record. Including a youthful driver will expand your premiums, especially with a constrained or poor driving record. Be that as it may, including a driver more than 30 years of age with a long and clean driving record can cut premiums, especially if the named driver is female! 

Step 5 - Shop Around and Save Even More 

The greatest auto protection investment funds originate from looking. There can be monstrous contrasts between the most minimal and most astounding auto protection cites for the very same auto and driver(s). Begin off utilizing great comparitive online citation locales, take their best quotes and go direct to the least expensive auto insurance agency for more particular quotes. 

So next time your reestablishment cite arrives, don't simply acknowledge it and give your cash away to the insurance agency. Utilize the means above and get the correct cover at the correct cost.

Selasa, 13 Desember 2016

Fun Office Christmas Activities

Just because you're stuck in an office all day doesn't mean Christmas fun can't extend to your workplace. Depending on the environment at your work, it's definitely possible to mix holiday fun with work. 

One obvious choice for some fun at the office during the holidays is to have a party. You could have several, in fact. How about a cookie exchange party? Plan to do this at lunchtime one day, and during that block of time, everyone brings several dozen cookies they have made. You have to set a particular number of cookies everyone brings. Because once everyone has an empty plate, they go around the table picking up cookies that look good to them and place them on their empty paper plate. If everyone brought 3 dozen cookies, say, then everyone gets to take home 3 dozen cookies. This is not a particularly unique idea, but one that brings a bit of fun into the workplace.

Sewa Rumah Harian di Jogja Dekat Malioboro Keeping in mind whether or not the public visits your workplace, you might choose to decorate. Why not have a Christmas tree decorating event? Everyone brings 6 ornaments and as a group activity, everyone decorates the tree. This is a good way to build team spirit and decorate your workplace at the same time.

Don't forget to institute a "secret Santa" event at work, where you secretly buy gifts for someone and have some type of gift exchange. But what about a "Santa's helper" activity? Someone in the group has to begin this on the sly. Essentially, this first person (the only one in the know about how the whole thing began) puts together a little gift. Ideally, it's a basket with a few gift items in it. They might be decorative items, or baked goods or even bath items. Attach a card saying that "Santa's helper" dropped by and brought these items. Now the person who received the "helper's" gift must put together a little something for someone else and - again on the sly - deliver it to the next person. It continues until everyone has received a visit from "Santa's helper".

Nothing brings people together like a group activity designed to help others. What if your officemates came up with an activity designed to help people less fortunate at the holidays? You might adopt a local family and everyone in the office purchases items for that family. You might choose to purchase Christmas trees for needy families. If the public visits your office often, you might even begin a "sharing" tree and people can bring items to put under the tree for needy families or children. As a group activity, the office workers can then deliver these items to the needy. 

The particularly festive office might want to have someone come in and do a cooking demonstration. If there are enough people interested, you can hire a cook or baker to come into your office on your lunch hour and do a demonstration or class. Say you want to bake but don't know what to bake this year. A baker can come in and demonstrate cookies or other goodies you might not have thought to make. Or someone can come in with ideas and samples for the perfect Christmas meal. These ideas are perfect for the environment where people work many hours and are quite busy but still want to do their regular cooking and baking each year. 

Family Thanksgiving Activities

If you're hosting a family thanksgiving, you want to create a fun family environment that helps children understand the importance of thankfulness and reminds the adults of  this as well.  

Since Thanksgiving comes just before what many refer to as the "greedy" season, activities designed to remind people of the bounty in their lives are useful. For example, you might help children understand that while they don't have everything they want, they do have everything they need.  

How do you do this? Several ways. One is to help children create a cornucopia, which will sit on the Thanksgiving table. There are a variety of ways to do this. You can make a papier-mâché cornucopia using a balloon as the base to help you get the shape started. You can simply take large piece of poster board and shape them into a cone and fill those with whatever you like. As an extra activity, you can have the children decorate the cornucopia before it gets filled.

Since the idea of the cornucopia is to celebrate a bounty and appreciate that bounty, you can fill it as is traditionally done with squash, corn and the like. You might also ask each member of the family to bring something that represents their personal bounty in life. A new mom might bring a baby blanket to put in the cornucopia while a newly retired grandpa might add a picture of his family, since that's what's most important to him. You can discuss the items in the cornucopia basket at the dinner table while enjoying your Thanksgiving feast.

Another family activity that kids like is the thankfulness jar. When each person arrives at dinner, they place a note with something they are thankful for in the jar. Ideally, each person will add more than one item to the jar. At dinner, someone (ideally, the matriarch of patriarch of the family) reads the notes. Everyone tries to figure out who wrote which note. The items can range from the serious (someone who struggled with an illness in the previous year might be thankful for life, quite simply) to the silly (the new mom might be thankful there's a Starbucks within 5 minutes of her home). Kids enjoy adding their own touches to the thankfulness jar and their responses are often a surprise to the adult family members.

Some families have several tables set about at Thanksgiving. Many people buy professional floral arrangements to decorate the tables. You can make a game out of it to figure out who's going to get to bring home the table arrangement to their home. You can do the old wedding thing and simply put a number on the bottom of the centerpiece and have someone's chair match that number or you can make a game and perhaps create a trivia game out of Thanksgiving facts. For example, questions might look like this:
*How many turkeys are cooked on Thanksgiving throughout the US?
*Why are turkeys called turkeys?
*Which president set aside the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving?

Be sure you research and know the answers and then quiz everyone. This is a great way to pass the time while everyone is waiting for the feast to be ready. Just tell the winners they can't take the centerpieces until dinner is over!
You can have a similar game before dessert. Create a family trivia game and quiz family members before dessert. Only the people who get the answers right get to have their dessert. Everyone else has to keep trying until they get their trivia question right. Questions can range from the silly to the sublime. They might look something like this:
*Who got popcorn stuck in her braces at 12?
*Which man here wore boots with big holes in them until he was 20 and could buy his own?
*Whose grandparents immigrated to the US from Ireland?
*Which boy here got suspended from school for riding his bike into the classroom?

Family Fun Christmas Activities

Family is at the core of the Christmas season, so creating fun memories with your family is always at the top of the must-do list this time of year.

What fun activities can you incorporate into your family life that makes Christmas memorable and fun? Plenty, really. There are the traditional and the things a little bit out of the box.

Think back to your childhood and Christmas time in your house. Are there particular memories that are clearer than others? Those are likely the traditions your parents created for you and your siblings. Trying to create traditions in your own home with your own children is one way to make Christmas fun, exciting and memorable. Perhaps it's decorating cookies, or making gingerbread houses. Maybe when you were younger your mom always had something yummy smelling coming from the kitchen. You can create the same tradition by simply keeping potpourri warmed and smelling nice, if you don't have the time to bake frequently. 

If you want to do a fun family activity in the kitchen, but baking's not your thing, you can make a variety of other gift items in your kitchen. The kids love making chocolate and candy covered pretzel sticks, and you can pair those with homemade hot cocoa mix to give as gifts.

Be sure to incorporate music into your family's traditions. How about some family fun singing Christmas carols or creating your own family music CD? Record your family singing Christmas carols and use that CD as your music CD for the holidays. If you all are particularly talented, you could make these look pretty and give them as gifts.

Many families like to cut down their own Christmas tree. This is a really fun family activity that can add a lot to the Christmas season. Christmas tree farms are located just about everywhere. Check into a local grower's group for locations. You simply show up, grab a saw (this is mom or dad's job) and go hunting. Depending on the location of the tree farm, you might walk only a short distance, or you might have to hike up and down hills and far into the farm's reaches to find just the right tree.

To add even more fun to this activity, create another family tradition that will annually go with the tree cutting. It can be as simple as also having lunch (at the same place each year) and picking up candy to eat in the car on the way home. You might also add a shopping excursion to the day; after the tree is safe at home in a bucket of water, you might all go shopping as a family for some new ornaments. 

Other fun family activities can include annual visits to certain places in your community. Does your town have an annual "Christmas tree lane" where all the homes on one street decorate (sometimes in an over the top fashion) for the holidays? You can make a tradition of driving down the street each year, or walking the entire street, if the weather allows. Walking gives the kids a chance to see some of the details of the various décor items. 

Many children think hot cocoa is an essential part of the Christmas season. If that's the case with yours, you could start a fun family activity each year where you make a big batch of hot cocoa mix at the start of the season. Let the kids have a small cup each night before bed during the month of December and closer to Christmas, add special items to the hot cocoa, like mini marshmallows one night and whipped cream another. Be sure to leave this family-made hot cocoa for Santa on Christmas Eve!

At a certain age, children enjoy decorating their room for the holidays. One fun family Christmas activity is to encourage this decoration by letting the kids shop for items to put in their rooms and letting them do the decorating. Be sure to take a picture of them in their decorated room each year. They'll enjoy looking at the pictures year after year.

Family Christmas Gift Exchange Games

It used to be that families had no rules about gift buying. Everyone bought for everyone else, and gifts were exchanged when the family all got together somewhere during the Christmas season.

These days, it's more common for people to draw a name out of a hat or get assigned a person to buy for. Or the family creates a type of "white elephant" exchange instead of having family members buy for individuals in particular. So, what many families need is a fun way to exchange the gifts, whether they be for a specific person or whether they are 'white elephant" type gifts.

If the family members drew names, there are several fun things you can do. The gifts can be hidden and clues given as to the location of the gifts. So, if you arrive at grandma's house with your gift for Aunt Martha, you might tuck her gift into a kitchen cabinet. Then you'd create a series of clue as to here it is. You might say, "Cinnamon lurks here" or "it's the hub of the home, but not always the home of the hub".

The clues can be silly or deadly serious. They can be designed so someone will know where to find their present in just minutes, or designed so that it takes a series of clues to get someone right to their gift. If the group is small or the house particularly large, and the participants have the time you can always create a hunt where more than one tip is left and one tip leads to another, which leads to another until the gift is finally found. 

Why should the kids have all the fun? Create some fun gift exchange ideas for adults. Whether the family is doing a name draw and exchanging regular gifts or not, you can have some good family fun with a white elephant gift exchange. How about a themed white elephant gift exchange? If the family is into fishing, you could create that as a theme. Everyone must bring a gift related to fishing (this could be anything from sporting goods items, to a singing bass that goes on the wall). It could be a hand held electronic fishing game or a board game with fishing as a theme.

In that same vein, you could create a "cooking" white elephant exchange or a camping themed gift exchange. Again, it's more about what will please members of the family than anything. Then create some fun games for the exchange itself. Perhaps everyone draws a number and gets to pick their gifts from the pile in the middle based on their number. Perhaps you begin the game that way, but then also people to 'steal' someone else's gift if they choose. 

You can require that the gift recipient shakes a gift, studies a gift and makes a good, educated guess as to its contents before opening it. If they are right, they can "steal" someone else's gift, but if they are wrong, they keep theirs. Add to the silliness factor by playing a card game and dictating that people can't get their gift and open it until they win a hand in the card game (ideally something fairly quick like poker or rummy).

The idea behind any family gift exchange should be enjoying each other's company and enjoying the Christmas spirit. As long as it's fun and engaging, there's no reason why the adults in the family can't have some fun games for exchanging gifts just the kids might.